About the Fashion Color Trend: Pink, blue, purple, green, red

Things you should know:

  • The pictures you see on Instagram are part fantasy: filters, angles and lots of time are put in to make you believe they are real !
  • Creative hair colors take time, and get expensive because they can take many visits to the salon to get the final result. These types of color require a lot of maintenance and upkeep to stay vibrant.
  • Dans la plupart des cas, vos cheveux vont nécessiter plusieurs décolorations avant de pouvoir y insérer des pigments de couleur. Ce genre de traitement à répétition sur un cheveu peut compromettre la santé de vos cheveux à long terme.
  • Ces types de coloration nécessitent beaucoup d’entretien pour garder la couleur et l’effet escomptés.
  • They tend to fade fast : after a couple shampoos they might fade or wash out completely. To maintain them, you might have to do touch ups every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • You must take into consideration that not every hairstyle goes with the hair color you want. Make sure they match !
  • These points are also good for bleach blondes: you must know that they turn yellow fast, you need to see your colorist at least once a month, you will not achieve the look you want the first time.


Use products suggested to you by a specialist, this will help maintain the color and the health of your hair. If you want to keep your hair color vibrant, say goodbye to your drugstore shampoo and conditioner and invest in a color-safe shampoo and conditioner.

Hair color trendsHair color trends