Why should you be getting regular facials?

Giving your skin facials on a regular basis is important for several reasons:

  • To make sure you are actually benefiting from your skincare: if you have too much dryness or clogged pores your skincare products might be staying on the surface and not actually be absorbed by your skin as they should be.
  • To thoroughly cleanse your skin : we tend to forget to exfoliate or use masks. These help to deep clean your skin even more. You can even do it at home!
    To instantly brighten, hydrate, awaken your skin : perfect for an upcoming party or event
  • To get to know your skin better : while receiving a facial, talk with the professionals and ask questions, get the right answers. They can suggest the right products for you.
  • To remove impurities and extract blackheads : doing it yourself can cause scarring, we recommend that you leave it to a professional.
  • To allow yourself to relax and de-stress !
  • To help slow down the signs of aging : anti-aging facials help to accelerate the cell turnover and boosts your skin’s collagen. To start giving facials to your skin in your teens can prevent long term damage!

Good to know :

Our specialists recommend to get a facial 4 times a year, once every season : in winter to prevent dryness, in summer to help skin prevent sun damage, in fall and in spring to prep your skin for the upcoming season.