Sun damage is definitely something we need to take seriously. Make it a habit to always leave the house with some kind of SPF. We suggest Image and GM Collin depending on your needs and skin type. But what if you can have a sun kissed tan without the sun damage?

Instead of baking in the sun for hours, why not try the safer way to get that bronzed skin tone you’ve always wanted? The alternative solution is a Spray Tan. With wedding and bikini season upon us, it’s the perfect time to get that instant healthy glow.

Norvell self-tanning is an organic and all natural solution that contains a mix of vitamins and antioxidants. All the ingredients nourish your skin and extend the life of your tan. The natural formula works with your skin tone, making a customized shade of colour each and every time.

The DHA (DHA is an acronym for Dihydroxyacetone) is an active ingredient inside the solution that is produced from glycerin. DHA derives from sugar cane and beets which react with amino acids in your skin to create the darkening reaction or tan.

What you need to know before coming in for your spray tan appointment:

  1. Come in wearing dark, loose clothing
  2. Exfoliate your face and body
  3. Do not apply body moisturizer/deodorant/perfume beforehand
  4. Makeup-free face

Don’t forget, just because you got a spray tan doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be applying sunscreen!
