Keratin Treatment

Keratin Treatment

Farewell frizz and tangles! Here’s a time saver: say hello to the Keratin Treatment. First things first: you will need to start with a consultation with one of our stylists that will explain the process, timing, benefits and cost of the treatment. Who can benefit from...
Ionic Hair Dryers, why?

Ionic Hair Dryers, why?

They emit negative ions. Water on the hair is made of positive ions. Negative ions will divide water molecules into smaller particles. The result is faster evaporation and less heat damage to the hair. Other Benefits: Less static electricity which is generated by...
SPF and Spray Tan

SPF and Spray Tan

Sun damage is definitely something we need to take seriously. Make it a habit to always leave the house with some kind of SPF. We suggest Image and GM Collin depending on your needs and skin type. But what if you can have a sun kissed tan without the sun damage?...
Bridal looks

Bridal looks

HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR BRIDAL HAIR? Strict bun, blur, banana or even loose hair … multiple bridal hairstyles are possible. How to choose ? To guide your choice – take into account these few criteria. The length and nature of your hair. The choice makes your...