
Receive facials

Receive facials

Why should you be getting regular facials? Giving your skin facials on a regular basis is important for several reasons: To make sure you are actually benefiting from your skincare: if you have too much dryness or clogged pores your skincare...

Why choose Natural Skincare?

Why choose Natural Skincare?

Nowadays more and more people are being conscious about what they are putting in there bodies and on their skin. Our skin absorbs about 60% of what we put on our skin, so why not make sure that we are putting non-chemical and non-toxic ingredients in our bodies....

Hair color trends

Hair color trends

About the Fashion Color Trend: Pink, blue, purple, green, red Things you should know: The pictures you see on Instagram are part fantasy: filters, angles and lots of time are put in to make you believe they are real ! Creative hair colors take time, and get expensive...

Fashion Preview

Fashion Preview

Another 3 days of backstage madness at Fashion Preview a fashion shows introducing new designs from Quebec designers. Fast pace, teamwork and creativity all come to life for us those 3 days. The Au Premier Coiffure Spa Team will be part of the backstage crew, making...